A full time job is a job in which an employee works the maximum number of legal hours in the work week — typically 40, although this standard varies around the world. People who work full time often have greater responsibilities than those who only work part time, and along with this, they usually have access to benefits that are designed to keep them healthy and happy. Typically, a job advertisement will indicate whether or not a position is full time, since the number of available hours in a position is a major issue for many job applicants. A full-time job may also be referred to as full time employment, or FTE.
One of the primary advantages of a full time job is that it often comes with benefits such as healthcare, vacation time, sick pay, and payments into pension funds. In addition, there is the possibility of overtime pay in most jobs, since employees are already working the maximum allowable hours. The flip side of this coin is that such jobs can be very demanding, and the hours are usually strict and rigid. As a result, employees must be committed to their work.
Often, a full time position is one of authority, since the company is willing to invest training and energy into someone who is working many hours. It is possible to work one's way up to a full time position in a company, as often happens when people start as part time or temporary employees. Once the employee proves that he or she is a valuable asset, a request for more hours may be negotiable.
Compensation for a full time job may be offered in the form of salary. A salary is a set compensation, rather than an hourly wage. It has the advantage of being dependable and steady, but it can be disadvantageous for the employee, as he or she may end up working a great deal of overtime, since salary contracts usually do not include special compensation for extra hours. Of course, an employee receives the same salary when he or she works fewer than 40 hours, with some salaried employees being paid through vacation and sick time as well.
When an individual is applying for a job that is offering you full time benefits and hours, he or she should take time to sit down and read through the benefits package carefully. The best time to negotiate is when an offer has been made but the applicant hasn't accepted it yet. Individuals may be able to request additional salary or other benefits, especially if they are looking at multiple full time offers that can be used for leverage.