In the world of finance, an inverse correlation between two entities means that as the value of one rises, the value of the other tends to fall, and vice versa. Also known as a negative correlation, this relationship can be observed if two elements of the financial world tend to move in opposite directions over a significant period of time. Some examples of inverse correlation in finance include the health of the stock market compared to the price of gold and the relationship between bond values and interest rates. Investors can take advantage of these relationships but must be wary of the fact that perfect correlation rarely exists and deviations from a pattern are always possible.
When considering the world of finance, it is important to realize that no single element of that world exists in a vacuum. For example, the stock price of a company may be affected by the performance of its competitors, the interest rates offered on bonds, the value of the currency in which the stock is sold, and so on. Understanding these relationships can help those managing their finances and attempting to invest their money. An inverse correlation occurs when two financial entities move in the opposite direction of one another.
To understand how inverse correlation works in the world of finance, consider the relationship between gold and the stock market. In times of economic turmoil, investors may be concerned about the stock issued by struggling companies and react by investing in gold, which is usually considered to be a safe investment. As a result, the price of gold usually rises when the stock market tumbles. The opposite effect takes place when investors are confident in the stock market and sell gold to buy stock.
Another common example of inverse correlation is the effect of interest rates on the bonds already purchased by investors. If interest rates rise, the bonds held by investors will usually decrease in value because newly-issued bonds can offer more favorable yields. As interest rates drop, the worth of bonds already bought with the previous, higher rates attached will rise.
Knowing that an inverse correlation exists somewhere in the world of finance can be useful in many ways. Investors can hedge their risk by purchasing one security that tends to move inversely compared to another they already own. They can also use the information to gauge potential investments by the performance of securities inversely correlated to them. The caveat is that these relationships are not perfect, meaning that certain events can cause two entities previously inversely correlated to suddenly move in the same direction.