A community development report is a written record of the progress made regarding a specific community. In order to write an accurate report, it is necessary to include certain information such as funding, projects, and plans. This is an opportunity to show investors and community members what has been happening in the community where the project is taking place. Measurements and pictures can be included to provide proof of the positive effects the development has been having on the community.
Basic information should be included in a community development report. This includes the authors, the date, and the publisher. The next section should be an introduction to the community development project for those who are not familiar with it. A brief overview of the project will suffice in this section. This is basically a general who, what, when, where, why and how of the overall development project.
The next part of the community development report should look at what has taken place since the development project began. This should include any projects that have been completed and the steps it took to complete them. Finished projects should be detailed regarding the people involved in completing them. Projects that are currently taking place should also be described in detail, as well as their projected completion dates.
Writers of the community development report should include a section on where the funding came from and where it has gone. Information should be included on businesses and individuals who donated as well as any government or community grants that were received. This should be a written section but can also include visual aids such as bar graphs and pie charts to add appeal and readability to the report. Measurements can be included in this section such as how the community has improved economically since the beginning of the project. Improvement in business sales in the community, for example, is a way to look at measurement and report it to others.
Finishing a community development report should allow the reader to have a clear and whole picture of the project. Including before and after pictures of various projects can be a helpful way for readers to fully understand the evolution of the community. An additional section at the end of the community development report should speak to the readers about plans for the future. This should include information on where future funding is coming from and where it will be going.